

so I'm due for my period tomorrow. well in the middle of the night last night I started bleeding but its light, clear, and brown. like really brown! and I've been getting some pregnancy symptoms if you will but I heard it could be PMS but something has just felt different. like, I haven't been getting my usual cramps and stuff like usual. my nipples have been CRAZY sensitive and my boobs have been so heavy. I've been sooo emotional and crazy bitchy and moody. nausea has definitely occurred but its weird becuz the mornings when i don't have nausea my fiancé does.. haven't taken a test yet cuz I'm scared it'll be negative but like I said there have been certain things that's just been off. especially my "period" HELP!

I know most of you are gonna say just take a test and I am going to. just would like second opinions before doing so.