
Jaime • Mommy to two beautiful baby boys and three angels and one more little bundle on the way ♥️💕♥️

My husband has been abusive on and off our entire relationship. We have been together for almost 6 years. He has been physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally abusive. The last time he laid his hands on me was a couple months ago i was still pregnant. He got mad because I didn’t have the right answer to a question. He started yelling at me, I yelled back. I got called a dumb cunt, stupid bitch and so forth. The next thing I know his hands are wrapped around my throat and he is yelling at me telling me to stay the fuck down. Saying I was going to learn my place. Once he finally let go I was bawling and that made him angrier and I told him I was going to take our son(who was in the next room) and leave. He then informed me the only way I was leaving was in a body bag. He hasn’t laid a hand on me since. But he still calls me names and puts me down. But here lately i have been having terrible flashbacks to all the times he has beat the crap out of me. I don’t know what to do, I feel like there is a blow up coming. Maybe I’m just making a big deal out of nothing. I just feel broke and I can’t talk to anyone about it... and I had my second son early and I have postpartum depression and I feel like it has made the flashbacks worse.