9DPO, implantation blending, too early to test?


Hey ladies,

I had some implantation bleeding from about 2 days ago, which stopped today, so 2 days in total.

I’m on 9dpo and I have had soooo many symptoms from day 1! I have endometriosis and pcos so I’m very in tune with my body and fully aware of any changes.

I’ve been extremely tired, have tender nipples, have been put off food but at the same time I’m hungry and I have never been so thirsty in all my life! I’ve been drinking tons of water and still have “cotton mouth” or “dry mouth.”

I have had bad cramping since the day after I ovulated, it feels like someone is pulling my ovaries and uterus.

I’m dying to test but is 9dpo too early? Should I give it a few more days?

This 2 week wait is a killer! Who else is on the same bus? 😵💓