Wednesday Appt. Update (for those who asked for it)

Katie • Mommy to be to a little boy 💙💙

Little man is great! His heartbeat was 153 and he is measuring where he needs to be, still ahead in height and weight but not by much! I gained 3lbs this month, making my total weight gain 7lbs. My perinatologist seems to think that my heart condition is messing with my metabolism and causing me not to gain weight like I should but he said my weight gain (or lack thereof lol) wouldn't be a cause for concern until I hit 28 weeks (which is when I see him again). He said this month he wants me to gain at least 6lbs, but I eat all the time and don't gain so this will be tricky! Toby was kicking and moving like crazy during the Doppler and ultrasound, he absolutely hates being poked and actually kicked hard enough to move the ultrasound tool away for a second!

As for me, we do not have to go to complete bed rest...yet! We are still on bed rest until 37w, however, I am still allowed to go to church on Sunday's and he said we probably wouldn't move me to complete bed rest until 33 or 34 weeks. Of course this is all dependent upon how I am doing. My heart rate was 143 and bp was 87/65 (which is part of the territory of my heart condition before I get comments about that being dangerous). We have it as well managed as we can get it without my Fludrocortisone (Florinef) and other medications while I'm pregnant. So far my heart has not affected Toby at all, which is amazing! My iron, hemoglobin, and glucose were all still low. I am on 2 prenatals a day and an iron supplement already, so we increased my iron and that's all we can really do at the moment. He said my headaches and leg pain were from Toby pressing on nerves and if it gets worse call him and he will work me in to run more tests. I got the information and the glucose drink to take home and sometime before I see my regular ob again (in 2 weeks) I have to go to the lab and take it...I chose orange as everyone said it tasted like flat soda.

I want to thank everyone who was praying about this appointment, I'm very grateful it all went well! Starting at 28 weeks I will start seeing my regular OB every week rather than every other week and I will start seeing my perinatologist every other week rather than once a month. I'm so ready for August to meet the little man that makes this all worth it!!!