Kayla • Trying for our first baby!

(First time posting, I hope this is the right spot to post.)

So me & my husband have been TTC since June for our first baby. For this cycle I was supposed to start on 9/25, AF never came, but on 9/25-9/27 I had brown discharge/light pink spotting. I'm currently on cycle day 39, my cycles only ever last for 32 days. AF has still yet to come. But I am cramping & feel like I am experiencing other pregnancy symptoms. I've taken three tests & got BFN. I'm just wondering how much longer I should wait to take another test to get a BFP or go to the doctor for a blood test?? I'm not sure if it's still too early to get any reading if I am pregnant or if my body is just skipping a period this month, if that's possible. I need advice please.😞😞