ISO someone to cheer for!


Hello! My name is Elizabeth! I am just wanting to make a few friends that I can stay in contact with! I will give some guidelines and then tell y'all about myself! So don't hesitate to respond if any part of this is what your looking for to! 😂

Looking for:

1. Friend to support through ttc, pregnancy, miscarriage, embarrassing questions, relationship trouble, family trouble, difficult cycles, the good times, and the bad!

2. Someone that will give me the same!

3. A promise to not get mad or sad or jealous over each other's success in ttc, Etc. (within reason! I know it's sad! But I'd like to think we become good enough friends to be just as happy for each other)

4. Openness and honesty! We all need that!

5. To make sure i don't become completely obsessed!

6. Keep me accountable to my families other needs!

So as I said my name is Elizabeth! I'm 21 and have a nine month old daughter with my husband of 2 years! And we are just starting to try for #2. I'm pretty shy and I get terrible anxiety but I'm also pretty playfully and sarcastic! Live in Colorado and love my three fur babies!

So that's a start! I feel pretty weird posting this but here goes... 🤗😧