He’s different


My SO and I have been together for two months this weekend. He used to be so so sweet and would always talk to me, answer back fast, and tamed his anger. But now... it’s like he never wants to hang out and when he decides we can last minute and I can’t it’s my fault all of a sudden. Earlier he said “ I need to get my head straight before I do something stupid “ and turned his data off. ( he turns it off sometimes when he doesn’t want to talk to me ). And now he gets so angry at everything and it’s like I can’t do anything right. We’ve had a really bad couple of weeks but I feel like we can get over it. I love him. Sometimes he’s the sweetest nicest boy ever. He calls me nice names, compliments me, and seems to care. But he promised wed call tonight and then we didn’t text from about 5-8 then he was mad at his family and turned his data off and it’s 10 now 😒