After laboring for over 24 hours he is finally here


After laboring for over 24 hours he is finally here! 😌

Due date was September 23rd went to the hospital on the 26th for my induction because ob didn't want me going past 41 weeks. Went home on Thursday the 28th after trying 5 doses of cytotec and a round of cervidil(which let me tell you brought on painful contractions but I just wasn't dilating) & left a 1-2cm. Water started leaking around 4:30 am on Sunday the 1st of this month and then got to the hospital at 2pm because I was just waiting for contractions which never came. They gave me 3 doses of cytotec got to a very soft 3 they started me on pitocin at 6am on the 2nd and at first I could not feel any of contractions. Then they slowly started upping the dose of the pitocin through and iv and then at around 4 I got check and I was at a 4! Got my epidural which was awesome until around 730 I started to feel a lot of pressure in my back ! And I knew he was moving down I could just feel it. I started throwing up so my nurse checked me and she said the head was right there! Which I got super excited because within 3 hours I went from a 4 to a 10! Then they started setting up ! Nurse called my doctor which felt like forever she finally got there at like 830! Did some practices pushes while waiting and my mom and boyfriend were holding my legs and were telling me they could see his head every time I pushed!

As soon as the doctor walked in I opened my legs and once she was in front of me I felt so calm and waited to feel a contraction pushed 3 times waited for another contraction and pushed anymore 3 times and his body was out and the last push was the rest of him! pushed for about 6 minutes and he was here 👶🏼 ☺️ after that the pain and pressure I felt was nothing!

I can't believe I'm a mama. The wait was long but worth it! 

My 8lb 12oz 21 inch long baby born at 8:42

Grayson James 💙