Another Post-OP Question..


First off I'd like to say I'm so sorry for asking so many questions: This was my first surgery ever so I'm not all that educated about the little things! Anyway, I had my Diagnostic Laparoscopy yesterday (Oct. 2nd) and I'm a smoker. My doctor never told me to stop Pre-OP and never mentioned holding off Post-OP. Obviously, I know smoking cigarettes increases your chances of complications and infection Post-OP, but I want to know if any of you ladies are smokers and smoked after your surgery- did you gain any infection or complications? Also, if you quit Post-OP, were you able to use Nicotine patches? I've only had 2 hours of sleep since being home, so once I can get back to sleep and wake up, I'm hoping to throw on a patch and throw these cigarettes out!