Failed more embryos😔

Shekiba • 3 yrs TTC #1. MFI. 1st IVF cycle in July '17 = 2 embryos by ICSI frozen. Natural FET in October canceled. Medicated FET with both embryos in September=failed IVF cycle.

So, we went through our first <a href="">IVF</a> ICSI cycle due to male factor and ended up with 2 embryos making it to freeze. We didn't do PGS testing and ended up putting both in. Unfortunately, Friday I found out I didn't stay pregnant. There was no insurance covered and paying out of pocket to start a new cycle is out of the question at this point. We have started with supplements and will continue to pray for a natural pregnancy but it's a hard pill to swallow knowing male factor is why we ended up doing <a href="">IVF</a> in the first place.

Any suggestions on supplements or options?? Any stories of natural pregnancies after <a href="">IVF</a>??