10 months of TTC.. can i get my hopes up again? πŸ™πŸ˜‚


okay, ladies. 10 months actively TTC. I'm no where near new to this. Preseed, pineapple, vitamins & supplements, legs in the air, butt in the air, opk, temping, non-stop BD... tried it all πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I've become so used to the negatives, it doesn't even bother me (well, as much as it used to). But with 10 months of TTC comes 10 months of symptom spotting. I stopped that cycles ago, but I think I've fallen back into that trap. See, I already get creamy white cm after ovulation, even abdunant at times. I have no clue when I ovulated because this month was extra weird.. different story, but I'm possibly 4dpo & for the past few days my discharge has been milky, watery. like very watery.. it comes out in gushes all day. That's my only "different" symptom, well that & I woke up with a sore throat & it's still sore tonight. Of course, the typical backache & stomach twinges. If this is my month, it couldn't have came at a better time. Me & hubby are both now we'll established at our new jobs, not behind on bills, happy as ever.. just missing a mini me or a Jr.

I actually just bought a cute onesie to use for hubby's announcement a few days ago. Really hope I get to use it this month! πŸ™πŸŒŒ Please God!!!