I slept with a married man.

Last night I went out with my friends and met a guy there. I asked him if he was single and he said yes and we ended up hooking up, the next day we woke up to his phone ringing I asked him who it was when he hung up and he literally said "my wife, sorry hun I should have told you but I had a great time." What the actual fuck do u do? I mean I don't know her but I feel terrible what am I supposed to do about this?

***UPDATE*** wow these comments though. Thanks for all the supportive ones, I really appreciate it. I would never sleep with a married man intentionally but my friend actually had one of his friends numbers and she asked him what the man who I slept with number was and he was dumb enough to give it to her. I would have never said anything to be honest because this is really a crazy situation to be in, but thanks to you guys I did it😂😂😂 he had his number connected to his Facebook so I found his profile and found his wife. I messaged her and told her what happened and apologized immensely. She was upset but not at me. She told me they've been separated but legally still married. She said they were possibly going to work things out in the future but she didn't know that he was sleeping with other women during their separation and thinks it's time to break it off. I feel still very terrible but you guys were right about telling her. thank you for the support.