2end miscarriage at 14 weeks .

October 3rd I gave birthday to another premature little boy . I was 14.5 weeks with my first little boy when I miscarried and 14 weeks exactly with this one . I'm so heart broken. My water broke both pregnancy I told my doctor when I was 10 weeks with this baby that I think it was because my cervix was not strong enough and I would like a stitch and he said that the first miscarriage was ruled to be caused from an infection so he doesn't think it's necessary I get one . Well now I wish he would have listened cuz my water broke yesterday morning after I had to pee really bad I stood up from the toilet and SPLAT! It broke . My heart literally feels broke. I hurt for my husband who was so excited and my family that's shared our excitement. Thank god this time we did not announce it to social media. So NOW my doctor is saying next time he will put in a stitch and start me on progesterone shots . I feel like this could have been avoided. I never thought I would say this but I need a break from being pregnant. The hurt is to much to handle . Let me know if anyone needed a stitch.