Dreams about my SO


My SO and I have been dating for 11 months and had been a "thing" for about 3 before that. He is lovely and kind and would never do anything to hurt me. He always puts my needs above his wants and does everything he can to make me feel good. About 3 months into dating we went to an out of state wedding with his family. During that trip (while sharing a room with his younger sisters, they are a catholic family) I had a dream that he cheated on me and gave me an STD. I "found out" after going to the doctors for discomfort. I was diagnosed and asked my dream boyfriend how it could have happened if we'd been monogamous and he replied "duh, I'm cheating on you". So out of character for real life him. I don't remember what or when my second dream was exactly, but I believe it was late spring/ early summer this year. I had my 3rd last night in which he was dating another girl along side me and even brought her on vacation with me and his family. In the dream she burnt down our hotel to "eliminate" me, even framing me in case I got out alive. I know that's a weird and extreme dream. But I believe that dreams can have meanings. I don't think he's cheating. I don't feel threatened by anyone. What are some other meanings my dreams could have? If I d the frequency and repeated themes alarming.