Looking for similar ladies!


Heya! I am looking to make new friends! I am 28 almost 29, I am looking for people with similar interest. I’m nerdy, I’m into video games, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo (switch and DS), and I also play PC games. I’m into hunting, fishing, camping, kayaking, reading, and diy crafts. I like making jewelry and home renovations. I am married and we are TTC, we have three dogs, two cats, a savanna monitor (lizard), and a rosy boa (snake), we also have 8 chickens (all hens for their eggs). We are into moving A LOT we get bored too easily and like to change our venue. We own the him we live in but we are in the processes of building a tiny home! We grow a lot of our own veggies. We own a jeep and do a lot of off roading. I am into photography, and trying to get into some minor level of fitness! We live in Texas but we will be moving in a couple years so friends any and everywhere would be awesome!! Instagram: thekimmells and snap chat: ahrealmonsterz