Alone again...not what I expected

Simply • I have never felt so blessed and I have never loved someone as much as I love my new bundle of joy! Patience is definitely a virtue! Never give up and never stop trying because you are next! #Godisgood

So I've been having medical issues lately which has put a huge strain on things. I've been with my s/o for 7 years. The last few times I have been in the hospital he has not come with me or visit. He's been home doing nothing. I did discuss how I felt about the situation and he explained he doesn't mean to do that n he will do better. Well today I've been back to the hospital for more testing and stuff. I've had a really ruff night last night. I woke up early for my appointments (which are a pain). He was suppose to come with me but decided to stay home instead so my sister took me to the appointment (which is going to take hours btw). I began to cry once I got in the car because I really couldn't believe he wouldn't be here for me AGAIN. Well as I am strolling into the building guess who I see! He was standing there with roses and body armor(my favorite drink)! I still have not stopped smiling! I just wanted to say that I am blessed to have such a great man like him in my life! I mean just when I become stressed or worried he comes in and does what a husband is suppose to do! 💙💙💙

I didn't get a pic of my arrival at the hospital but I did get one once we were waiting to be called. 💙💙💙