First time mom here.


As a new mom I learned a lot. So here's some of the things I found super helpful/products I loved. This will not apply to everyone. Products/Advice

• I loved the newborn outfits that had the attached in cuff. These were life savers for me.

•Put a bib on your newborn while feeding so that if your baby does spit up you won't have to change the outfit 20 million times.

• Maybe have a pacifier or two at home just in case you decided to give baby a pacifier.

• Have two different bottles on hand in case breastfeeding doesn't work or he she does not like a specific bottle that you have.

Side note: it's not the end of the world if you can't breastfeed.

• Buy some Gripe Water to have on hand just in case you have a baby that's sensitive to gas.

• Have Vaseline and diaper rash cream on hand. Vaseline to prevent diaper rash and diaper rash cream to treat.

• Carry an extra outfit in your diaper bag when going out just in case baby has an accident.

• When changing a diaper put the clean diaper underneath the dirty diaper then unlatch the diaper clean and then take the dirty diaper out just in case baby decides to pee while in the process or poop the surface will be covered by the clean. Feel f Feel free to add diaper.

•The car seat covers that you can get on Amazon for like $12 or wonderful for cold weather or snow and less of a hassle than putting a blanket on top and a lot warmer.

• Have a can of formula just in case breastfeeding doesn't work out along with purified drinking water.