Let's Have A Read/ Discussion: Post Your Test!

Kaidynce • Hi, my Husband and I are believing God to be Blessed with our "Rainbow Baby/Babies".

Hi Ladies! I decided to post this to be of help, I hope. I see many women on here who are poas (pee on a stick addicts), & that's fine, I understand that is who you are, no one is to judge. It is 💔 (heartbreaking) though when you think you see a very, very, very faint line, when in return its truly just a evaporation line which is a negative. In hopes of saving you ladies from such an emotional 🎢 (rollercoaster) I recommend testing the day of your period, or even 5-7 days after your period is due. Side Note: I got my BFP 5 days after my period was due with my daughter. She was a "late implanter".

My doctor even said if you have to "squint" or "ponder" on if it's a positive line, just wait 2-4 days, bc if the pregnancy is viable, your line will definitely get darker on a hpt, as your hcg levels rise. Also, the "test line" should have 'coIor', just as the control line, if its black or any other color besides the usual "Pink or Blue", then chuck it up to an "Evaporation Line". I know its hard to wait, bc we all desire the "BFP" (Big Fat Positive), but have some patience and know "What God has for YOU, is for YOU"!! BFP's to all Ladies desiring to conceive, & to all who are expecting "Congratulations"!!❤❤

Drop your test and I will give my "HONEST FEEDBACK"