Caught him cheating by his voicemail he left


My boyfriend (now ex) works at FedEx. He delivers packages so obviously he's gonna see some pretty girls. He has a pretty shitty phone so he butt dials me by accident pretty often. There was this one time that I didnt pick up the call and he left a voicemail along these lines (by the way I didn't get to hear the girl) : "Happy birthday!!......happy birthday! Oh it says get well......what's your name??.....can I go park real quick?" And then he proceeds to go "hello..hello?" A few seconds later realizing that he left a voicemail and hung up. THEN he texts me "Happy birthday baby...I know it's not your birthday I just want to treat you special" I LOST IT RIGHT THERE 😂😂 what kind of shit is that lol. I was hysterical. And then after telling him to stop with the bullshit he said "I can't even lie to you I fucked up blablablabla. I told him we are done, he apologized numerous times and tried to call me and he's telling me he's crying and all that. I blocked his number a few minutes ago. What's ironic is that was sort of the way I met him. He walked up to me and told me he liked my uggs and he asked for my name and asked for my number and here we are now :) I dont know why he would treat me any special if he's been doing this for who knows how long. He's 27 years old I thought he knew better. But oh well, I hope you ladies learn a thing or two from this. I will never date a fedex employee and I would never give a guy my number that walks up and small talks me. Now he has all these nudes of me and I'm really uncomfortable with him having them, I told him to delete them but he wouldn't. I guess I'll stay single for a while now smh