what is the appeal of staying with someone who is mean to you?

Cara✨🏳️‍🌈 • 23yr old virgo queen

i’m not here to judge anyone who chooses to answer my question . i’ve been reading this book called “women’s reality” and it’s by this white feminist and she touches on the most amazing topics . one of them that piqued my interest was when she talked about the way women perceive men , and it got me thinking about all the women here on glow who come to this app daily to complain about their shitty partners .... and then ignore everyone’s advice and continue to stay with them (and get pregnant by them) ! i’m genuinely asking : why ? what is so appealing about staying with someone who brings drama and stress to your life ? is it the sex ? i’ve definitely been there before lmao . is a fear of being alone ? let me know , i’m really curious . also i’m not talking about people in abusive relationships . i’m just talking about people where their partner was a doodoo head .