Need Advice.


Hey Ladies,

So I went to my first prenatal appointment yesterday and got all the works done. Blood tests, urine tests, health background questionnaire. I found out I’m 5 weeks and 2 days along. I’ve SUPER excited since this is my first child but I’ve been super anxious since I found out and I’m trying very hard to relax. I was just wondering if I could get a few pointers about some questions I have.

1. I was very active before I got pregnant. I haven’t worked out for a little over a month now. I use to do about 6 miles 4 times a week and about 20 mins on the stair master after I ran. Can anyone recommend how many miles I should cut down to a day? I don’t want to over exert myself.

2. Sex? Since I found out I was pregnant (Oct 2) my husband and I haven’t had sex. He tried to last night but I was too scared of anything happening. Is it okay to have sex right now so early on?

3. I’ve been taking the below prenatal and different vitamins since before I got pregnant and still am. Is this too many vitamins and should I just stick to the prenatal gummies? Pill form makes me too sick.

Sorry for the long post but my next appointment isn’t until Nov 9th and I forgot to ask this yesterday. I just want everything to go smoothly. I’m terrified of something happening.

I really appreciate all the feedback.