Little Kyndra Julia born at 38weeks 2 days


So at my 38week 1 day (10/4) appointment my doctor went in and stripped my membranes around 9am. She said I was dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. After the appointment I went on a long walk at the park trying to kick start labor. I had a lot of pain and felt some crampy contractions here and there. I went home and laid down with some more mildly crampy contractions that seemed to be irregular. I had a night class that night and drove to class and felt mild contractions sat through class with more mild contractions but I could tell they were getting more intense. My night class is on the same side of town as my hospital and I was debating if I should go in. Well I decided to wait until the pain was a little stronger and drove home. By the time I got home I walked around the house and realized my contractions were getting harder to breathe through. My husband had just left for his night class and I sent him a text saying we should leave for the hospital when he gets home. He ended up just walking out of class to come pick me up and we headed on our way to hospital.

So we get to the hospital at 9pm and they admitted me because I was at 6cm and 80% effaced. Once a bag of fluid went though me It was time to get the epidural. This time was more painful than the last but I could tolerate the pain. My advice is to bend over well because the pain wasn’t as bad as soon as had my head lower down closer to my knees. Well my contractions got stronger but I stayed at 6cm all the way until 6am the next morning. Since I had an epidural I felt great! They finally gave me pitocin and had my doctor come in and break my water! They were like we will have this baby in no time. All the sudden my contractions were strong and I felt them through the epidural which was not normal for me. I kept telling them and they were like okay we will check you again. Well they were shocked because I went from 6cm to 9cm in less than 7 mins. They asked me to do a practice push and told me to stop halfway through the push because my daughter was coming out. I was like where is my doctor go get my doctor. The pain was strong but bearable with the epidural! My doctor walks in and I tell her..okay I’m ready to push. She’s getting her gloves on and in that one push she is catching the baby! She had me do two small grunts and our baby Kyndra was born!