Y'all!! Finally got my BFP!!!!


After 9 months trying to conceive, I finally got my BFP!!! I still can't believe my eyes. Yesterday I posted this pic and asked if anyone could see a line. I swear I was having line eyes so I just wanted to see what others thought.

So after a few said it was negative, I'm like Yeah, they're probably right but today I had horrible cramps that felt like AF may have been coming a little early but I just still didn't feel right so I tested again.

Again, I'm staring this down like there's no way this is real but I still swear I see a line. Since I still had OPK's from this last cycle I thought I would compare lines just to see.

The top pink one was one of my OPK's and the blue is the pregnancy test. There's a vvvvvvvfl but I could see it. I immediately ran to the store and got a good test. Well y'all, it's my turn! I got my June baby!

9 months TTC!!! I still can't even believe this is real. Totally in denial still. Knowing me, i will probably test again in a few days just to make sure the lines are still there but I am so excited and nervous and scared all bundled in to one. Things I did differently this month: I ordered premama after I started AF in September. I got it in the mail about 2 days before my fertile week so I figured I'd just wait until then. only drank 5 of the packets during my fertile week so I'm not sure if that helped but it's possible. We also used conceive plus. We only BD 3 times during that week and used conceive plus on the 2nd and 3rd time trying. Maybe it was a combination of the two things together but either way I'm thinking that they helped me to get pregnant this time. AF is due on the 7th and I am an obsessive pregnancy test taker and I was just getting so discouraged seeing all of these other people getting their BFPs way before AF was due. I just assumed I was out. Not this month!! I'm 13 DPO today and it finally happened for me. Baby dust to all of you ladies!!!!!!