TTC After Chemical Pregnancy.


I need a little guidance. We're on month 2 of TTC. We thought we had our BFP. So over the moon! I started spotting on the 24th, but didn't bleed a little until the 28th. I decided to wait until the 1st to start my OPK. I decided to start after my period was done since i have wierd cycles. The last 2 before my BFP were only 23 days long. To me it looks like I ovulated before I started testing, but I'm not sure. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure when to count the cycle as beginning. I should've had a period between the 18 abbr the 21 of last month, but i was pregnant. It began ending aroubd the 24. On the 27th my HCG levels were 59, and dropped down to 29 on the 29. We began having sex again on the 30. I'm not sure if i should count myself out this month, or keep testing. Comparing to old pics doesn't help because when these dry out, they dry out in color. I don't know what to do!!!