D • 22🌸 Baby #1 (its a BOY💙) arriving June 2018🍼

So yeah, as you might have seen, I posted that I went to the hospital on Saturday for back pains and they told me I was pregnant. My hcg level was a 127. Went to my ob/gyn this morning since the hospital doctor ordered a recheck of my hcg level and a repeat ultrasound.

I saw the sac, it measured 4 weeks. And my hcg level was at a whopping 1,242! I am so excited! Baby #1 is on the way 👶🏽🎉

Bought these 2 outfits from Kohl’s today. Waiting for my next ultrasound in 4 weeks before I announce it! (Close friends and family do know already though ☺️)