too sensitive or was he a bit rude?

AMR • on a weight gaining and yoga journey... one day we will be a family of four 🙏🌈

so I am having trouble gaining weight. I went through a period of ppd and then ended up having seizures when my DD was 8 months old so that brought the depression back and some (a lot) of anxiety. well, the seizures are under control now and I'm feeling stronger and more positive everyday. I have even gained 4 lbs back, after having lost all the baby weight... and then an extra 25 lbs. so at my gyn apt this morning the dr walks in, stares me down all disproving and I ask him what's wrong and he says you know what's wrong. I know he was joking, but it put me on edge. then he proceeded to list my weight and the date starting from after I gave birth to today, all in a very stern voice. by that point I was blinking back tears. I tried explaining I had actually gained some back (I lost more weight after the last visit, then gained it back). he said "mhmm" and then proceeded to tell me I have to see a dietician and he wants me back in 2 months and I need to have gained 5 more lbs or he'll want to put me on something to gain weight. I understand that this is just his personality, I usually am not this sensitive, but last visit I confided how nervous I was about not being able to have another baby because of my weight loss. he knows I'm upset about this. I just feel like he was too callous. I felt great this morning, and I've been making progress. but now I feel like I haven't, and the pressure to gain "or else" made me nervous, like what if I fail, then what? idk, guess I'm just needing to vent.