I just feel it in my bones that I'm pregnant but I keep getting negatives!

Jessica • 32, Married. Sebastián James 11.30.19. Custom at home baker/SAHM

I'm 9 days late for af. I am always super regular and have never in my life been late like this. I've had terrible heartburn for a week now which is unusual for me because I eat super spicy and my body is used to it. But now I'm even waking up with heartburn and have been avoiding spice and acidic foods. I had weird cramping on days 5-7dpo lower than normal af cramps. Below panty line. But no cramps since then. No blood or pink or brown. Just extra cm that's creamy. I've taken every brand tests you can buy, and all are negative. Some show a faint line now, but after 10 mins so I would say it's invalid. I'm just going crazy over here. Probably going to schedule an appt for blood work Monday. Was really

Hoping for the experience of seeing those 2 lines pop up but hey if i need it on a paper as a lab report, so be it! As long as I finally get my positive after 9 long months!