Could I be pregnant?

So I’ve been TTC with my DH since April for our first child. We got married in July and have had some crazy cycles since then. I mostly blame it on stress because of the wedding. Stress normally causes me to be late in period and I also stress eat and have gained a few pounds since I began TTC, which I found out can also affect cycles.

After my last visit from AF, DH and I did the baby dance 2 times this cycle, 1 before my fertile window, and the second during ovulation. Now I’m 14dpo been cramping since last Monday (about 10days now) with mild cramps on and off through the days and no AF yet. I tested this morning (second pee and after breakfast) and got a BFN.

Did I test too early? Or am I just all sorts of screwy? Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve never had cramping this long, normally I would cramp the day before AF and then the first 2 days but never 10 days in a row without any possible sign of AF starting.

I haven’t talked to my DH about this yet because the last few times I brought up the possibility of being preggo, he kept hounding me with questions and it just caused a little bit of stress. Plus I would like to surprise him with a few gifts when I tell him.

Thanks in advance and baby dust to all! 🙂😜