Broke my hymen and my mum said she'd disown me if I did!


Please help me, I didn't know, I didn't have sex just masturbated. We get tested before marriage in our culture.. they're going to think i had sex.. please help I'm panicking really bad!

UPDATE: Thank you to all those who helped and gave me advice. For those of you who are calling me a troll.. I'm not, I'm a 15 year old girl with an Italian mother and an Arab father. I'm not saying anyone from Italy or an Arabic country is oppressed, I'm not even saying that I'm oppressed! Just that my family is a bit too strict about guys and girls having sex and getting married. Hymens are checked in my family by a doctor. I've spoken to my sister and when the time comes and I want to get married, I'll look into getting surgery. My sister's a lawyer and has been married and divorced before and she got the surgery after her divorce. Anyways, thank you so much to the ladies who gave me some really good advice. I was really scared a few days ago... thought I wouldn't get married. But I'm a bit more relaxed now.. thanks again!