Feeling less than...

October Momma • 22 year old happily married mother of boy girl twins, Emma and Alden, born 10/11/17😊

So I went to the doctor and they scheduled my c-section for the 17th of this month. They said they feel like going past 37 weeks is just pushing it with baby b's anemia levels continuing to rise a fall at random. I am showing no signs of going into labor anytime soon. The thing is the only reason I'm having a c-section is because my little girl is breach and my little boy is vertex. He would be first to come out but my doctor thinks it's to risky to attempt a vaginal delivery with one of the babies being breach. She said that during her time at another hospital she assisted in the labor of a women who had been flown in via helicopter due to the doctor in her small town being unable to preform a c-section and her LO was breach. She said her main job was to observe. When the women got there the legs of the baby were already starting to come out so they decided to attempt a vaginal delivery because they felt a c-section that late was too risky. The babies head ended up getting stuck and all the pressure from the uterus ended up severing her spinal cord as well as causing other long term health problems. The baby made it 9 months before dying of pneumonia. She was completely paralyzed from the neck down. Because of this experience, my doctor is more hesitant to deliver a breach baby vaginally. She said she has done it and been very successful but there are always additional risks and if something goes wrong, it does really wrong really fast. I just feel like I'm failing as a mom. I'll never know what labor feels like. I'll never know what a contraction is like. I won't have even attempted a vaginal birth. I feel like I'm quitting by not opting for the induction. I just feel like I'm being completely robbed of the birthing experience. I just feel like a huge failure because I'm not even trying. I know the c-section is best because she is concerned about the toll labor would have on babies that are already anemic and early. She thinks it might put too much stress on them. I just feel like I'm failing my babies. Has any other mom been through this? How do you get over it? I just want to do what's best for them.