pill mishap but not opposed to having a child

Hello all, im new here hope I'm doing this correct.so i have pcos , doctor has me on metformin and ocella (Bc ) welllll I missed the first 4 pills and didnt make them up...it was a mix up with the pharmacist so I didnt have the birth control but I did take the met....it was my husbands and I 1 year anniversary so i had a lot of unprotected sex....now we've come home a week later and I feel so light headed like im floating at random periods and it'll last a good minute, back is so sore, some discomfort during sex but it quickly fades, discomfort in lower abdomen, occasional cramps, little nausea in the morning but no puking, VERY moody, lots of brain farts, and so tired but restless...is this because i missed the pills or could I possibly be pregnant? thanks for your time and knowledge...