***HELP!!!!! How to get baby asleep and to stay asleep


My LO is 6 weeks and I CANNOT get him to sleep and it seems like it's gotten worse...Things I've tried:

Feeding before bed

Bath before bed

Feeding and bath before bed

Bath and feeding before bed

Crying it out

Rocking to sleep

Rocking and swaying to sleep

Co-sleeping with me and my SO

Seeping in the bassinet

Sleeping in the rock n play

Sleeping in the crib

Sleeping in the swing

Sleeping in the car seat

Sleeping on my chest

Sleeping in the sleep sack

Essential oil diffuser

White noise (tv, sound machine, etc)

Letting him wear himself out

Giving formula before bed

Nursing to sleep...

The list goes on and on...you name it we tried it and if it worked once it didn't work again...is there ANYTHING and I mean anything that we can do to get him asleep? I'm starting to get irritated when people ask me is he sleeping through the night or still waking up bc my response to them is, "He has to actually go to sleep to wake the hell up!"