movement overthinking 😣

Raylene • 17 & expecting Jan '18 👶🏻

i’m 23w4d and usually every night i feel very strong kicks or just movement in general, the past 2/3 days this baby would not stop moving at night however those were days i took a nap, today i went out for a long walk with my boyfriend (baby’s father) and didnt take a nap, as i’m laying here waiting for her movements to start they dont so i freak out a little i tried to make her move and felt maybe 2 little movements not her usual movement, my boyfriend also felt her move about 3 hours prior so am i freaking out over nothing? my boyfriend thinks i’m freaking out over nothing and i probably am, i am too scared to go to sleep now not knowing what to do but i also need to sleep since i have school tomorrow. i also have a check up on tuesday, i’m sorry if this is all over the place 😅