My TTC story


Overflowing with emotions... I was diagnosed with endometriosis at 18. We knew I had it when I was around 14, but surgery was put off until 18. At 14, I was put on birth control. Now 23, I have been on it ever since. Since surgery, I had taken birth control without stopping for periods. I just took it continuously. My husband and I decided we were ready to start trying. I came off my birth control in late July. I went to my doctor, and she informed me that she truly believed I would need another laparoscopic surgery in order to get pregnant. We had scheduled my surgery for Oct 13 (ONE WEEK FROM TODAY). Earlier this week, something felt different. I was nauseous. But there were no cramps. And y'all, my periods are intense! I took a couple of tests, and I KNEW there was a line. No one else seemed to see it! A girl on here commented and told me that she went through the same thing, and indeed she's pregnant! We KNEW our lines were there. As this week has gone by

, the lines have slowly gotten darker. This morning, I got my first digital positive. I am over the moon excited, scared, nervous, and a little nauseous. I realize I am so so blessed for this to have happened so quickly and even to have happened at all. I'm praying so hard that everyone on here gets the positive they deserve! ❤️ baby dust to everyone! Please pray for a happy, healthy pregnancy for me and baby.