Still in the middle of miscarrying?

Tasha • | 👼🏻9/28/17 | 🌈👶🏻Easton Blane 2/20/19| Expecting another boy 3/24/21💙💙

Hi everyone! I’m so glad there is a place to write about pregnancy/infant loss on here. Here’s my story and hope someone can relate to this? Or should I have d&c;? Went to my first OB appt on September 14. I hadn’t had any cramping or spotting/bleeding. Was supposed to be 9 weeks along. They said baby measured 6 weeks and no heartbeat. Within a week my levels dropped from 40,000 to 20,000 and still no bleeding had started. Finally started spotting on September 22 and spotted for 4 days then started bleeding on the 26th and passed baby on the 28th. Had heavy bleeding and cramps and small clots pass. Continued bleeding heavy and went back to dr on October 2. Did vaginal US and they said the sac still needed to pass. Now I have been passing brownish blood for a couple of days. Has anyone had this happen and sac pass later than the baby? I don’t want to have d&c; unless needed due to I’m starting a new job and don’t want to be off work one day if I can help it. I go back on October 9 to check levels again. Thank you all!