Help pls!!

So yesterday me and my boyfriend were having sex and he was fingering me kind of rough (but I like it like that) and after he noticed that he had blood on his fingers. It wasn't that much but it was bright red and weird considering I just got off my period, it was a day before I started ovulating so i know it's not my period.

However I went to pee to see if I had blood and nothing came with my pee but when I cleaned myself good with toilet paper i put a little pressure to get any blood i have and some blood came on it. I wore a pad just in case but I had no more blood after that.

I have stomach pain and a headache this morning but I don't think I'm pregnant however my boyfriend read that it's early pregnancy signs but headaches are a normal human thing. He thought it was implantation bleeding, and wants to get a pregnancy test.

How long should I wait to get a test I know sometimes it can be too early to tell?

Do any of you guys know what it could be or if I am pregnant?

We are very sexually active btw but we've have scared already before and nothing happened