early labor?

Extreme pain whenever baby moves,  a few contraction but not close together and they come and go, baby is breech, I can feel her kick my cervix trying to get out, I checked my cervix but whereas before I could feel it I no longer can now as if it's flattened, I feel I'm further along then previously thought do to looking back at dates of intercourse and light bleeding, I would like to have Claire measured and talk about date options. What do you guys think about this? I also haven't been able to sleep the last few days even with medication and a night walk. idk what to do but I'm thinking of talking to my doctor and going in today. also I have a bicornuate uterus and she's already dropping (went to l&d; and that's what theu told me) when I walk I'll get bouts of pain that I have to stop for and cant talk through.