Dear Ex,


Three years doesn't seem like a very long time does it? It almost seems crazy that I went from being the girl that takes no crap from anyone, to someone who was very reserved, alone and constantly scared to be around you. All in three years.. I went from thinking you were the light at the end of the tunnel to realising that things between us weren't right but I stuck around anyway as I felt forced to because you wouldn't let me leave. You made me feel alone, like no one could ever love me, you shattered my heart a thousand times but everytime I forgave you because maybe I just wasn't enough and I needed to change to stop you doing that? You hit me, not often but you did and I always said I would never be that girl who sticks around with someone who is abusive and manipulative, but I did. You completely destroyed who I was and it feels like I have to learn about myself again and leave that empty shell of a person behind me. That day when I finally had enough, the day I told you would one day come but you didn't believe me, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.. I felt free, alone as usual but I was free, you begged me to let you stay in my house and for me to forgive you but I needed to be strong and ignore it. I'm a lot happier now, I have someone who treats me right and makes me feel special, something you never did. I'm still getting used to not feeling broken and hurt but the damage is definitely there! I just hope you change and realise that you can't treat people this way.