Discouraged 😥


This year i went through 2 miscarriages... They happened very early on but broke my heart. I've been graced by god and given a 3rd pregnancy! I have morning sickness this time and my Hcg levels were around 56,000 last bloodwork i got. I'm feeling pretty positive (although nervous), But my husband hasn't been positive at all. Every time i try to ask questions about the baby he just says "idk yet we'll have to see if anything happens." I know he's trying not to get his "hopes up" but at the same time it really hurts and makes me feel worried something will go wrong. 😥 I know fate is out of our hands but i just want to have the chance to feel like this WILL go right this time. Oct 13 i get and ultrasound to see if there's a heartbeat, im EXTREMELY nervous but so excited. I just wish my husband was too.... He won't even let himself think about the baby or tell anyone in his family. I understand but as the same time it hurts, because i went through the pain too. But its not stopping me from talking to my little Bean and encouraging them to go strong and healthy... Sorry just had to vent because i know if i bring it up to him he'll just feel bad.