Sex /pregnancy question

Sorry it's so long I've posted something similar before but I'm not an adult yet so I'm worried , had sex three days after ovulation, I just use multiple apps to calculate that because I am a pretty regular cycle and can't afford the test or anything. My apps do normally get my period start date right and all add up, they also have info all the way back from 2015. Assuming they are accurate. I let him put his dick in for a very short amount of time then one other time after but I wiped it off in between just in case, when he took it out the last time it was completely dry so assuming no pre cum got in me if it did probably very small amount. Then I got my period right on time, but it was fairly light for me at times. It had clots though like my normal period and like I said at times it was like a normal period, it was kinda flip floppy. It ended two days early as well, I chalked it up to stress period because that week leading up it I was stressing about possibly getting pregnant if my app was wrong about the ovulation. Then about 4 days then another one 6 days after that period I took two pregnancy test just to make sure I was okay and they were negative. Then I got another period but it came five days early, I chalked this up to maybe stress again or maybe because of that shorter period it'd had come early because that effected my fertile periods. Which made sense because I did notice I had my fertile discharge earlier that month, so in a sense my period was on time and this one was actually my normal heavy period. It still ended a day earlier than normal but my thought was maybe my cycle is just changing. Anyways I've had slight symptoms like cramps after periods, or some boob pain, no color changes though, and slight constipation headaches,feet falling asleep, leg cramps, but that was helped with eating better. What do you think this is anxiety just in not head ?? Feedback please thanks loves