Now what, d&c, meds, wait it out?

Aly:) • Newlywed. MC in April. Surviving the storm.
Hey ladies. First of all I am so sorry for your losses. This is truly a pain no one deserves to feel.... My question is.... I'm wondering what your opinions are on how to just get the miscarriage over with. I believe I lost the baby at 6 weeks or so, last week when I started some light spotting. I went in today and my hcg was only 73. I have another draw in Monday, but I know in my heart the baby is gone and I need to think about my options. The spotting has continued for seven days, literally only there when I wipe. I keep hearing that there will be a lot of blood so I know I haven't passed everything yet... At this point I just want it over with but my body just isn't doing this fast enough for me. I also don't want to run the risk of having it happen at work. So a d&c or the meds appeal to me in that I can take back some control and get the physical miscarriage over with so I can focus on healing emotionally. What did you do and what would you recommend? I hope this doesnt sound too callous- I'm like a robot right now and all buisness. Thanks in advance for your input!