I know I can’t be alone

I tried for a few years for a baby, gave up for a while and then recently I got my bfp! At first I was excited but then slowly the excitement turned to dread. I always thought that after you’re finally pregnant everything else is a breeze. I guess I lived in a bubble and was taught miscarriages weren’t super common and that ectopic Pregnancy was almost the rarest thing on the planet. Yet now that I’m learning more.. and I’m experiencing things I didn’t think were worries in the first trimester I find myself panicking at every small cramp or pain. Almost waiting and anticipating blood. I’m so concerned that something bad is going to happen. Not stressing it because there’s nothing that can be done if it does happen. But idk. I just know I can’t be the only mom to be who feels this way. Suddenly I’m finding concern in things I don’t know if I should be concerned about.