feel useless


my sister is staying with he boyfriend only thing is theyre sleeping in a car. i offer a place to stay and just simple replies.

i feel like something is off she tells my mom and i how much she gets annoyed by him and how when she was working he would just take the money out her purse . hes cheated on her. he used the money they both set aside (for a place to stay) on drugs. last night he let her walk out of his aunts hiuse where they were stopping by and couldnt find her for 30 minutes. shes 18 hes 32 . he tells my mom he feels like this is gis fault which is to me true since he blew the money on drugs. he will lie and say he doesnt have to work and then she'll find out from his boss that he was suoposed to go in. shes currently out of a job because she was in an accident but couldnt go to work after recovering a few day because her car wasnt driveable. but being older he should be more responable he has 3 kids im sure he doesnt see he didnt even get them presents like he was going to because he used it on drugs. my mom says my sister told her she wants to leave him and stay with my mom again but when i message all i get are like a thumbs up ir it always says "its fine". i hate family being like this. i Try to help in whatever.