How to call my boyfriend out on his lies ?

Been dating this guy for a few month we were friends before we got together. Now that we at together he seems perfect. Which I took as red flag, I’ve found him lying about if things money wise and I’m really wondering if he has a job. I found him deleting texts and lying about things that it’s stupid to lie about. I always have his phone, and that’s how I know things don’t add up. He gives me his phone at all times, I literally control his life. I found something I feel like I need to bring up to him but I don’t know how. I’ve always been the type of person to notice things but not say anything. This needs to change how show I approach ? I don’t wanna jump to conclusions but it’s obvious what’s going on.

He gives me his phone!!!! Like literally gives it to me! He says he doesn’t want me to think he is shady. That’s why I always have his phone. I’m like his assistant he has me text people back and shit