Rape or sexual assault is..(for the victim)


Debate bellow. Among the many insensitive rape jokes I've been hearing today I thought it may create a hot debate on here. How do you view rape or sexual assault.

Never Preventable: there is never a way to "prevent rape". Rape is not a choice, there is nothing you can do to prevent or stop rape from happening as a victim. Rape is purely and always the predators fault. The victim is never at fault.

Sometimes preventable: in some cases there are ways that may "prevent" rape from happening. Sometimes the victim can do things such as wear different clothing to avoid an undesirable situation. The victim in some cases is at fault for putting too much out there or sending mixed signals. The victim could have avoided this situation if they did something differently, perhaps dressed more modestly.

Always preventable: the victim always has the choice to prevent it. Being raped is a choice. If you don't want to get raped don't lead a predator on. If you are a victim of rape you were asking for it.

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