Rekindled our love

So my husband and I decided to not go forward with our divorce anymore. This separation really made us realize we love one another. We wanted a divorce because we just felt like we weren't compatible anymore. We both started seeing other people but we still took our son to places as a family. Those moments really bonded us together because we talked as friends. I don't know we started a spark again. I ended things with the guy I was dating and when my husband came over to drop off my son we had sex for the first time in 1 yr and a half. Honestly it's been the best sex ever. After he told me he had ended things with the women he's been seeing as well because he wanted to work things out. We spent all night just talking about all our memories from our first date to our first time to when we found out we were pregnant. I'm really in love with this man and im ready to start our marriage fresh ❤️