
How is everyone doing?? How are the preggers ladies? A couple of you have due dates soon! Do you know anything about your showers or are they going to be secrets?? I hope everyone is doing well! As for me I've just been laying low. I'm down 24lbs!! Pretty excited about that. It's coming off fast but not as fast as I thought. (I know I'm probably the most impatient person you'll meet in your life). I have to admit though even with happiness of losing weight I've felt a bit sad lately thinking about even with this weight loss if I still won't be able to conceive. I don't know why it's bothering me so much lately, but it is. It may be my surroundings. My best friend is due in June. My other friend who just got married in November found out she's expecting twins. And my younger cousin who's getting married May 30th said she's trying right away which that would mean she'd have the first great grandchild in the family, and I wanted that to me me! My stupid competitiveness haha. I'm trying not to overthink it and know the weightloss will increase my chances. Going to start TTC again beginning of July and i ironically have my annual gyn appt then too so it will be good to talk to her about it. Can't wait to hear from everyone! 😊