RANT! Weak stomach's read at your own risk. 😝


So tonight, I am 39 weeks pregnant and my family is visiting waiting for me to go into labor... Well my mom and my brother are staying with me at my newly bought house that i have only been in for a week, literally. Well, my brother is 16 and in his rebel years he snuck some of my fiance's alcohol and got drunk tonight. He put it in his McDonalds Dr. Pepper. He also is taking Anti-depressant/anxiety medicine. I had no idea that he was drinking or i would have stopped that in ita tracks when he came inside and I realized he was acting funny i told him he is done and that he needs to eat and drink water. He was eating and obaying me. My mom went to go see a movie, so she wasnt here this whole time. Anyway, he starts throwing up all over our new capet then holds it in his mouth and just stands there. Like GO TO THE FUCKING BATHROOM DONT JUST STAND THERE!!! I am hormonal and pissed off now because he messed up and now I have to clean it all up. I am not his mother. #Triggered as he would say. Anyway, he goes the the bathroom and Exorcist style throws up all over our toilet, I turned on the shower because it was all over him and my bathroom He ended up throwing up taller than I could even reach to clean... In my daughters toy bin, just everywhere. I am so mad he has always been a sneaky compulsive liar but this made the cake for top 5 shittiest things he has done. i couldnt handle it. it has been a terrible night... If you have stories like this one that makes you a tad bit salty with someone in your life. Tell me about it, vent, rant. i wont judge. im just mad and needed to vent... If i did this when I was his age I would have never seen the light of day gain, no phone, no friends, no nothing. Ugh 😭😭