
My best friend of 10 years decided to get a place together. Since I have an eviction on my background she put her name on the lease but I still paid half of everything even the application fee. Move in was July 14th. Me, my boyfriend and our 19 month old have been living here since then and we even had another apartment with her before we got this one, our lease was up so that's why we moved. Anyways, we split half of everything. Rent, cable, electric, renters insurance, water, and trash. HALF OF EVERYTHING. Well she gets this new boyfriend and just completely loses it. All she wants to do is smoke weed and drink beer. She couldn't even afford to buy her 4 year old food, but she will buy her boyfriend EVERYTHING. mind you im 32 weeks pregnant at this point and im trying to save since I will be out of work and I have a 19 month old im also feeding. Anyways one morning I wake up to her screaming bc the lights are out and she's going on a rant. She busts into my room picks up my box fan and chunks it at me and my kid laying in bed. She then jumps on top of me (she's like 300lbs) no bullshit she really is. She jumps on me attacking me!! (I'm pregnant but I still whoop that ass)😂 anyways after that I found out she was going to my boyfriend making up lies trying to get us to break up. He didn't believe anything she said and ended up talking shit to her. SOOO October 2nd.. she comes home on lunch comes into my room and says she needs to talk to me out in the living room. I was expecting an apology but it was the two leasing office people. She lied and said we've only been there for a week and we won't leave. The leasing office said because we were not on the lease we had to be out by 5 THAT DAY or they were calling the was 130. This is suppose to be my best friend of 10 years... mind you she just took our rent the day before!!! Wouldn't give it back. I called the police and there was nothing they could do. I have to take her to small claims. I'm 32 weeks pregnant with a 2 year old! No help, no family. Moral of the story... don't trust ANYONE!!! And to make a roommate agreement 😂😩