Is feeding formula frowned upon by healthcare providers?


Is feeding formula frowned upon by healthcare providers? It sure feels that way. I'm a 1st time mom and my baby is 8 days old. I have learned the hard way that although I took a breastfeeding class, I should have done more research because I hadn't realized how it can be emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting. I keep hearing it gets better after a month so I'm staying positive and I am thankful that I haven't had any major issues with breast feeding except that I deal with a cluster feeding baby at night and there's nights it takes a toll on me. Sometimes I feel it would be nice to mix in/switch to formula because from what I've heard, it fills up baby more. The next pediatrician visit is on Thursday where I will find out if she is gaining weight or not and I would like to bring up the formula suggestion but it really feels like I would be judged/frowned upon because my OB, hospital staff, pediatrician, WIC, and lactation consultant are very pro breast feeding. I realize breastfeeding has many benefits but I also know there's plenty of formula babies out there that are perfectly healthy. Is there something I am not aware of when it comes to making the decision to switch or am I over thinking? Also, who's approval would I need? The pediatricians?